Hrani Yoga workshop this Saturday May 7th at Yoga Nat 2-4pm!

With all the information out there and popular common beliefs on diet and nutrition, it has become hard to choose which diet to choose. Well the best diet is no diet, but we still need a guidance in choosing the right nutrients for our constitution. Each individual has different needs. I have studied most of it and will present to you the best ones for your dosha (constitution). 
During this workshop, we won't only look at what to eat, but also how and when to eat. We are connected to nature, hence we have a cycle that we must follow. I will share with you the secret of the secret on the ultimate health in and out.
By cleaning our inside, we will detoxify and the skin, eyes, hair will show a difference.
The other half of the workshop will be on digestive system postures.

We are now taking registration, so call the studio to put your name.
Thank you, see you Saturday~
