Sunday April 10th at Hyba Carrefour Laval: first time leading a session outside of studios! It was fun!

Morning is the best time to practice yoga! Especially the ones that is making you activate your prana/energy! Nothing hard here, just learning to use our bodies in poses that align ourselves in and out. By learning alignment, we learn about how to use our bodies properly and respect our limits. We were taught to surpass ourselves, go beyond our limits, however the truth is that if you go beyond, there is no more of you. Going beyond and surpassing means not respecting your limits and little by little we deteriorate until there's nothing more to give and we can fall into burnout, depression and other mental or physical illnesses. So the first rule I always talk about (look at my second blog page here to refer to all the rules) is respect yourselves by getting to know your body and your limits!
I met some new ladies, old friends showed up as well. Usually I lead a 75 minute-session, but here it's 45 minutes as they have to open the store. Everybody loved it. Someone approached me for private at her house and the representatives of the store invited me to come back. I love meeting new people through yoga.
Rarely, but some do ask why do a Savasana? It is a way to conclude a session. If we activate by stretching every muscles on our bodies and we were to just take off, then our nervous system would be too diffused, meaning everywhere. Healthy muscles are not on beefy musclemen at the gym, but yogis who have been stretching every inch of their bodies in alignment. Healthy muscles can contract, stretch, and very importantly let go as well. Lazy muscles are inflamed like the guy who works out too much and cannot close his arms, well that is another example of inflammation as constant contractions are not healthy either (e.g. Sylvester Stallone's right arm vein issue when he used to work out like mad). After working out with just our own weight without the aid of any machines, it is so delicious to go into Savasana anyways. At the studios, I can show you a even better versions with some props that you wouldn't want it any other ways after. Thank you ladies for a great session and for inviting me to your lovely store. I hope to see you on a yoga mat very soon again~ Cheers~


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