Warning: if you don't mind the blood talk, go ahead and read as this concerns everybody, not just women.
This post is going to be one of my most open talk. If you don't mind the period talk, go ahead and read it. But you will see that everything I say here has a reason and that all is linked.
I think I am sensitive, not so much about being delicate on how to say things to emotionally sensitive person, but physically sensitive to my environment and what I consume. I can see my skin reactions at times and I have been told that my gut is reactive too; as normally if you had something bad, the reaction time will be few hours. I beg to differ to all the doctors out there. So my reactions led to getting few certificates in nutrition and many more yoga training. After my studies and getting educated by some doctors on some unpublished statistics on thyroid, I had an icky feeling on few things.
Have you seen a movie where the main character and the viewer know exactly who is the bad guy, but evidence is so limited, as a result, that guy cannot be prosecuted on just icky feelings?
However, in reality, that intuition, wisdom beyond science and evidence is the truth.
I had that kind of feeling on health and hormones.
We do not have enough comprehension on the hormones in North America. In the East, they explain it in terms of Yin and Yang (feminine vs. masculine energy) and they seem to understand this better.
So I began reading about this before my travels to Japan and Hong Kong this year.
Each year, I traveled somewhere far during summer and came back with some joint pains: especially on one wrist that was already bothersome just after university. I knew it was due to gluten, dairy and hormone induced meat (I cheat on my diet during travels to show you the result like a detective looking for solid evidence).
But this year, something else happened! Before I went to this trip, I had my period. I am very regular and the trip was for about two weeks, therefore I did not think I would need to prepare for my menstruation. My hormones all over the place during the trip and I got all bloated after few days (the most bloated I've ever been) with a slight lower back pain (I never get due to yoga), with wrist pain (which was gone after yoga and better nutrition at home). I did not think that it could be possible, but my period came earlier this month, way too early!
Yes, many would say stress, the travels, plane, yadi yadi yada... But I know, deep in my gut feeling that BPA is a hormone disruptor and meat or dairy they served me on the ship and at the restaurants are not organic (hormone induced animal products).
It has been only in the past decade or so that thyroid related problems are the most under diagnosed and missed by many. Is it a coincidence that we have been using more plastic water bottle the last ten years?
Remember when sodas used to be in a glass bottle? I do not encourage drinking sugar nor chemicals, but just for taste, have you tried the difference between something in a glass bottle versus plastic bottle? I remember the taste of something in a glass jar vs. plastic. I would take glass jared anything over plastic. Some water, really taste plastic as if the bottle was under the sun for hours! I think it probably was under the sun for hours as I see tons of stores just leaving the bottles outside.
Even if it was stored properly, away from the sun, I still prefer my water to be filtered at home and put in a stainless or copper bottle to carry with me.
In summary, what I would like to share with you is that our environment and how we care about it really matters for our health. We cannot live without it. But the planet can surely survive without humans. Let's use less chemicals, hormones, plastics, and cherish our natural resources like water we have here in Canada and continually educate ourselves on health by exchanging knowledge with other culture (East and West have to definitely collaborate like in South Korea where preachers and monks exchange their leaders for lectures and talks and Pharmacists sell Eastern and Western medicines in one place). Other big issue in North America is our false belief on heart. We think doing cardio is good for heart because the word cardio must equal cardiac. It is just like our false belief on eliminating fat to get slim, we learned later that sugar was the bigger problem than fat.
Until the last breath on Earth, we keep learning about self, others, and Nature. Continue to raise awareness and consciousness on everything, that is the only way. Peace, health and love to all. ~ J ~
I think I am sensitive, not so much about being delicate on how to say things to emotionally sensitive person, but physically sensitive to my environment and what I consume. I can see my skin reactions at times and I have been told that my gut is reactive too; as normally if you had something bad, the reaction time will be few hours. I beg to differ to all the doctors out there. So my reactions led to getting few certificates in nutrition and many more yoga training. After my studies and getting educated by some doctors on some unpublished statistics on thyroid, I had an icky feeling on few things.
Have you seen a movie where the main character and the viewer know exactly who is the bad guy, but evidence is so limited, as a result, that guy cannot be prosecuted on just icky feelings?
However, in reality, that intuition, wisdom beyond science and evidence is the truth.
I had that kind of feeling on health and hormones.
We do not have enough comprehension on the hormones in North America. In the East, they explain it in terms of Yin and Yang (feminine vs. masculine energy) and they seem to understand this better.
So I began reading about this before my travels to Japan and Hong Kong this year.
Each year, I traveled somewhere far during summer and came back with some joint pains: especially on one wrist that was already bothersome just after university. I knew it was due to gluten, dairy and hormone induced meat (I cheat on my diet during travels to show you the result like a detective looking for solid evidence).
But this year, something else happened! Before I went to this trip, I had my period. I am very regular and the trip was for about two weeks, therefore I did not think I would need to prepare for my menstruation. My hormones all over the place during the trip and I got all bloated after few days (the most bloated I've ever been) with a slight lower back pain (I never get due to yoga), with wrist pain (which was gone after yoga and better nutrition at home). I did not think that it could be possible, but my period came earlier this month, way too early!
Yes, many would say stress, the travels, plane, yadi yadi yada... But I know, deep in my gut feeling that BPA is a hormone disruptor and meat or dairy they served me on the ship and at the restaurants are not organic (hormone induced animal products).
It has been only in the past decade or so that thyroid related problems are the most under diagnosed and missed by many. Is it a coincidence that we have been using more plastic water bottle the last ten years?

Even if it was stored properly, away from the sun, I still prefer my water to be filtered at home and put in a stainless or copper bottle to carry with me.
Until the last breath on Earth, we keep learning about self, others, and Nature. Continue to raise awareness and consciousness on everything, that is the only way. Peace, health and love to all. ~ J ~
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